DGUT-UTHM Research Webinar
20 June 2024 14:00 pm—17:00 pm
在“中、英、一带一路”合作项目支持下,为加强生态环境与建筑工程学院与马来西亚敦胡先翁大学(Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia)土木工程与建筑环境学院交流与合作,分别邀请两院土木工程学科相关教师于2024年6月20日下午14:00—17:00点开设一场线上学术交流会,聚焦先进复合材料、先进水泥基材料、低碳固废处理、结构耐久性与结构安全监测等主题,并与线上双方师生围绕人才培养与科研合作等进行交流。会议具体报告题目、人员和时间安排如下。
Conference handbook/会议手册
Time | Event |
14:10-14:15 | Welcome Address Prof. Yu Zheng, Dean of School of environment and Civil Engioneering, Dongguan University of Technology Prof. Rafidah Hamdan, Dean of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | Chair: Assoc.Prof. Soon Chin Fhong |
14:15-14:30 | Innovative Desgin and Construction Methodologies for Enhancements in Behaviours of Concrete Structures Using FRP Reinforcing Bars Prof. Yu Zheng |
14:30-14:45 | Research focus in the Faculty of civil eangineering and built environment, UTHM Prof. Rafidah Hamdan |
14:45-15:00 | Research on the Mesoscopic Model of Moisture and Chloride Ions Transport in Unsaturated Concrete under Dry-Wet Cycling Assoc.Prof. Shouwang Hu |
15:00-15:15 | Acoustic Emission Technique for Bridge Monitoring Prof. Shahiron Sahidan |
15:15-15:30 | Identification of Structural Damage Mechanism of FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Smart Aggregates Assoc.Prof. Bo Di |
15:30-15:45 | Break Time |
15:45-16:00 | Real Time Concrete Strength Monitoring Prof. Norwati Jamalludin | Chair: Assoc.Prof. Shouwang Hu |
16:00-16:15 | Durability of FRP to concrete interface Assoc.Prof. Renyuan Qin |
16:15-16:30 | Construction Waste Management in Malaysia: Towards Sustainability Assoc.Prof. Sasitharan Ngapan |
16:30-16:45 | Cabon negative biochar concrete Dr. Liang Chen |
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Prof Dr. Shahiron Sahidan PROF. EUR ING. IR. TS. DR. SHAHIRON BIN SHAHIDAN https://community.uthm.edu.my/shahiron Speech TOPIC: Acoustic Emission Technique for Bridge Monitoring |
AP Dr. Rafidah Hamdan (Dean of RnI FKAAB) PROF. MADYA TS. DR. RAFIDAH BINTI HAMDAN https://community.uthm.edu.my/rafidahh speech topic: Research focus in the Faculty of civil engineering and built environment, UTHM |
AP. Ir. Dr. Norwati Jamalludin PROF. MADYA IR. DR. NORWATI BINTI JAMALUDDIN https://community.uthm.edu.my/norwati Speech TOPIC: REAL TIME CONCRETE STRENGTH MONITORING |
AP Dr. Sasitharan Ngapan (Construction waste, Chief Editor of International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology (IJSCET)-Scopus indexed) PROF. MADYA TS. DR. SASITHARAN A/L NAGAPAN https://community.uthm.edu.my/sasitharan Speech TOPIC: Construction Waste Management in Malaysia: Towards Sustainability |
Dongguan University of Technology
Dr. Yu Zheng Professor of Structural Engineering of Dongguan University of Technology (FRP reinforced concrete structures, low carbon footprint concrete materials and structures, novel prefabricated component development, SHM using advanced sensing technology) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yu-Zheng-70 https://hshx.dgut.edu.cn/info/1117/1887.htm Speech TOPIC: Innovative Desgin and Construction Methodologies for Enhancements in Behaviours of Concrete Structures Using FRP Reinforcing Bars. |
Dr. Shouwang Hu Associate Professor of Dongguan University of Technology ( Cementitious Materials, Bridge Engineering, Reliability,Durability, Multiscale Simulations ) Speech TOPIC: Research on the Mesoscopic Model of Moisture and Chloride Ions Transport in Unsaturated Concrete under Dry-Wet Cycling |
Dr. Bo Di Associate Professor of Dongguan University of Technology (FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures, Piezoelectric Monitoring Technology) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Di-Bo Speech TOPIC: Identification of Structural Damage Mechanism of FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Smart Aggregates | |
Dr. Renyuan Qin Associate Professor of Dongguan University of Technology (Composite Materials, Cementitious Materials, Interface, Multiscale Simulations, Durability)
Speech TOPIC: Durability of FRP to concrete interface |
Dr. Liang Chen Postdoctoral fellow of Dongguan University of Technology (low carbon concrete, CO2 sequestration and utilization in cementitious materials, biochar)
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Liang-Chen-136 Speech TOPIC: Cabon negative biochar concrete |
马来西亚敦胡先翁大学(University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) 简称“敦大”,成立于1993年,是中国教育部涉外监管网认证的马来西亚公立大学。学校坐落在已故的第三任首相敦胡先翁的故乡-柔佛州巴株巴辖,距新加坡约 1.5 小时车程,距吉隆坡约 3 小时车程。敦大(UTHM)主要专注于工程和技术,是马来西亚唯一拥有飞行训练学院和机场以及唯一拥有铁路工程学位的公立大学,同时具有土木工程、电气工程、机械工程、教育学、工程技术、技术管理、房地产与设施管理、信息技术以及科学等领域博士学位授予资格。除此之外敦大也是东南亚唯一可获取飞行学位、执照或飞机维修学位、执照的大学敦大在校学生有 17000多人,来自世界各地32个国家的留学生,目前8个学院 70%以上的教职员工拥有各学科资格的博士学位。敦大在 2019 年被 QS Stars University Rating 评定为五星级大学2021 年 QS 亚洲排名 291,与中国政法大学、南京医科大学、华南师范大学排名相当。在 2015.2017和 2018年的机械、航空和制造工程学科在 QS 世界大学排名中名列前 300 名。
一审:李春志 二审:高 峰 终审:兰善红